Four Additional Food Stamps Payments to Be Rolled Out in November in Georgia

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Four Additional Food Stamps Payments to Be Rolled Out in November in Georgia. Food assistance remains an important issue, especially in times of economic hardship, and Georgia is no exception. Many recipients have already received SNAP benefits, but four additional groups will receive payments in November.

The Importance of SNAP in Georgia

SNAP is a federal initiative that provides food assistance to low-income individuals and families across the country. In Georgia, this assistance is crucial in combating food insecurity.

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Understanding SNAP Benefits in Georgia

The SNAP program provides electronic funds loaded onto EBT cards that can be used to purchase essential food products. The amount allocated is determined by factors such as income, household size, and monthly expenses. In determining eligibility, the Georgia Department of Human Services considers factors including family income, household composition, medical expenses, and housing costs.

Types of Purchases Allowed

SNAP benefits can be used to purchase a variety of essential foods, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, and non-alcoholic beverages. In order to promote overall well-being and food security, this program aims to provide nutritional meals to individuals and families with limited incomes.

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November 2023 Payment Schedule

Every month, Georgia SNAP benefits are distributed based on the last two digits of the recipient’s ID number. Here’s a quick reference:

ID Number ends in: Georgia EBT Deposit Date:
00-09 5th of the month
10-19 7th of the month
20-29 9th of the month
30-39 11th of the month
40-49 13th of the month
50-59 15th of the month
60-69 17th of the month
70-79 19th of the month
80-89 21st of the month
90-99 23rd of the month
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How to Apply for SNAP Benefits in Georgia

SNAP benefits are available to individuals, families, and unrelated cohabitating adults. These benefits can be used to purchase groceries at any store displaying the EBT/Quest sign.

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SNAP for Seniors

If you are 60 years or older, have a household with a fixed permanent income like Social Security benefits, and your household members are not employed, you might qualify for SNAP for Seniors. For detailed information, call the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) at 877-423-4746. For hearing aids, contact Georgia Relay at 800-255-0135. They are free of charge.


SNAP benefits remain a lifeline for many in Georgia, addressing crucial needs in times of economic uncertainty. The additional November payments underscore the program’s commitment to alleviating food insecurity and ensuring the well-being of individuals and families with limited resources.

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