Defending NSFAS Achievements Is a Worthy Endeavor. During Blade Nzimande tenure as Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, a ministerial committee evaluated the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).
Financial Commitment to Education
NSFAS’ achievements go beyond the financial investment made by the democratic government in education. South Africa is commendable for its commitment to education. According to UNESCO, 15-20% of public spending should be allocated to education. The country consistently allocates a substantial share of its national budget to education.
Generosity in Student Financial Aid
A Catalyst for Social Justice
As it relates to post-school education and training, the 2021 ministerial committee emphasized NSFAS role in promoting social justice, especially for marginalized groups.
Transformative Impact
Among the most generous and progressive student financial aid systems in the world, South Africa is among the best. As evidenced by the success stories of numerous NSFAS recipients who have graduated, secured employment, and contributed meaningfully to society, the government has decisively broken past reproductive legacies.
Evolution of Financial Support
Tefsa Contribution (1991-1999)
As a result of Tefsa funding, over 43,000 students from poor and working-class backgrounds gained access to higher education starting in 1991.
NSFAS Growth (1999-2020)
In 2000, NSFAS supported 83,251 students with approximately R437 million. The funding grew exponentially, reaching R8.96 billion in 2014 and eventually soaring to R47 billion in 2020, supporting 1.1 million students.
Inclusive Support (2010-2020)
A ministerial review in 2010 led to additional financial resources, addressing student debt, as NSFAS expanded support for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) college students. With a total state allocation of R37 billion in 2020, NSFAS budget will support 765,740 students.
Unprecedented Growth and Ongoing Commitment
From 2015 to 2020, NSFAS funding increased by 299%. The number of students increased by 6,908% since Tefsa was introduced in 1991. The NSFAS budget stands at R47 billion in 2023, emphasizing the government’s steadfast commitment to education.
Upholding Constitutional Values
The inspiration behind these commitments is rooted in the Freedom Charter, reflected in the Constitution of South Africa. In Section 29(1), the nation affirms its commitment to providing free, compulsory, and universal education, ensuring access to higher education through allowances and scholarships. NSFAS is working towards an education policy that emphasizes accessibility and inclusivity after apartheid.
The achievements and evolution of NSFAS, as outlined above, underscore its pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape of South Africa.
The financial commitment, inclusive support, and transformative impact highlight NSFAS significance in realizing the constitutional values and fostering a future where education is accessible to all. Defending NSFAS is not just about safeguarding an institution but championing a cause that resonates with the principles of social justice, equality, and the nation’s commitment to education.