Religion & Caste Wise Population of Bihar Based on 2023 Caste Census

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Religion & Caste Wise Population of Bihar Based on 2023 Caste Census. The Government of Bihar, on October 2, 2023, released the eagerly awaited caste census data for the state. This comprehensive data reveals the population figures for various castes, including Brahmin, Bhumihar, Yadav, Rajput, and Mushar. In this overview, we delve into the population distribution and caste-wise percentages based on the Bihar Caste Census 2023.

Bihar Population 2023 | Caste-wise Insights

Breaking down the Bihar Population 2023 by caste, we observe intriguing figures. This includes a detailed exploration of the caste-wise percentages, shedding light on the distribution among Brahmins, Rajputs, Yadavs, and more.

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Religious Diversity in Bihar

Examining the Bihar Population 2023 Religion Wise, the state boasts a significant Hindu majority at 81.99 percent. Muslims constitute 17.70 percent, Christians rank third, and Sikhs take the fourth spot. Further insights into the population percentages of Buddhists and Jains are also discussed.

Yadav Community Leads |Caste Census Survey Result 2023

An essential revelation from the Bihar Caste Census Survey Result 2023 is the dominance of the Yadav community, comprising 14 percent of the state’s population. We explore the percentages of other significant castes such as Rajputs, Brahmins, Kurmis, and Koris.

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Caste Census

What exactly is a caste census, and why is it conducted? This section elucidates the purpose and significance of conducting a caste census, providing insights into the role it plays in shaping government development plans.

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Bihar Caste Census Population 2023

Delving deeper into the caste-based census in Bihar, we analyze the population distribution across general categories, backward classes, and scheduled castes. Key statistics, including the total population and surveyed households, are presented for a comprehensive understanding.

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Unveiling Bihar Caste Census Data 2023

The Government of Bihar’s release of the long-awaited caste census data marks a significant milestone. This section delves into the statistics, revealing that OBCs and EBCs constitute 63 percent of the state’s total population. The report provides detailed insights into the population figures and the extensive process undertaken for this census.

Significance and Benefits of Caste-based Census in Bihar

This segment discusses the societal misconceptions related to caste and emphasizes the necessity of caste-wise census to dispel these notions. The benefits of having accurate caste data are explored, focusing on how it aids in providing targeted facilities and benefits to vulnerable and weaker castes.

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Shaping Future Plans | Post-Caste Census Scenario

With the caste census complete, this section highlights the clarity it brings regarding the economic, social, and educational status of various castes. The potential impact on future planning and the direct benefits to marginalized castes are discussed, emphasizing the role of the census in fostering a more equitable society.

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The Bihar Caste Census 2023 is a crucial step towards understanding and addressing the diverse demographic landscape of the state, paving the way for informed policies and targeted development initiatives

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